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GEWA Pian digital DP 300
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GEWA Pian digital DP 300

  • Made in Germany
  • Pianosample pe baza unui Steinway D274 grand piano cu memorie mai mare de 1GB
  • Nou USER CALIBRATION TOOL pentru reglarea fină a comportamentului tastaturii
  • tastatura Grand Touch, 88 Taste weighted, Hammermechanik
  • generare sunet bazat pe cea mai recentă tehnologie DSP și de memorie
  • library cu 15 sunete de înaltă rezoluție
  • 256 polifonie
  • efecte în 2 blocuri de efecte independente
  • 4 reverb effects, 8 modulation effects
  • Class D amplificator cu sistem boxe potrivit
  • Conectii: DIN MIDI in/out, AUX in/out
  • 2 conectii casca
  • USB to Host
  • functie inregistrare
  • Metronom
  • posibilitate layer
  • design traditional
  • capac tastatura
  • 3 pedale
  • Dimensiuni L x W x H in mm: 1350 x 429 x 800 (968)
  • greutate : 43.5 kg
GEWA numar de articol:
429x800x1350 mm
43500 g

Key facts

Made in Germany
Made in Germany
User calibration tool
User calibration tool
GEWA Grand Touch Keyboard
GEWA Grand Touch Keyboard
High-Resolution Hanburg Grand Piano
High-Resolution Hanburg Grand Piano
Simply Digital
Simply Digital

Simply Digital

The simple LED display allows access to all important functions, such as recording or metronome, the sound library and the two effect blocks with reverb and modulation effects. A list of all relevant details can be found in the product view.

Simply Digital

High-Resolution Hamburg Grand Piano

In keeping with our philosophy, all GEWA pianos, regardless of the model series, are equipped with the Hamburg Grand Piano sound. These are high-resolution samples of a Steinway D274 concert grand, whose sounds we have recorded down to the last nuance without artificially influencing them. Listen to the DP 300 through headphones and you will have the same sound experience as with the high-quality UP models.

High-Resolution Hamburg Grand Piano
GEWA grand touch keyboard

GEWA Grand Touch Keyboard

The DP 300 is equipped with our proprietary GEWA Grand Touch keyboard. In developing this 88-note hammer action keyboard, we have taken great care to ensure that it is perfectly matched to the sound samples used.

User Calibration Tool

The high-quality keyboard has an additional great feature: the User Calibration Tool allows you to fine-tune the sensitivity of each individual key, according to your preferences. 

Latest Technology

Latest Technology

The latest DSP and memory technology enables optimal sound generation that transports and implements all facets of the high-resolution samples.

Manufactured in Adorf, Germany.

All instruments of the DP and UP series are not only assembled, calibrated and tested on site, but are also played and checked in detail by a professional pianist directly before delivery.

Manufactured in Adorf
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Disponibil in 3 culori

DP300 Negru
SRP 888,00€

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DP300 Rosewood
SRP 889,00€

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DP300 Alb
SRP 889,00€

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Home Pianos

Firmware version 1.10.0

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„Test The Best“ ist eine Aktion von GEWA, einer Auswahl an Musikschulen in Deutschland, die dem „Percussion Creativ e.V.“ Netzwerk angehören und dem betreuenden Fachhandel.

Die Drumsets stehen für alle interessierten Drummer:innen zum Testen zur Verfügung. Man muss kein Schüler sein, um die kompetente Beratung der Ansprechpartner:innen in Anspruch zu nehmen.

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